HPC Workshops
Workshop on dynamical cores for climate models, 14-16 December 2011
Place: Lecce, Italy
The ENES initiative, gathering the European climate modeling community, organizes a workshop on dynamical cores for climate models in Lecce (Italy) on December 15th and 16th, 2011, hosted by our colleagues from the Euro Mediterranean Center for Climate Change (CMCC), with the following objectives:
- exchange information on new dynamical cores for climate and closely related high-performance computing issues,
- organize sharing of experience on these issues,
- agree on possible collaboration modes (projects) on the above issues.
Venue: Carlo V Castle - Lecce
Welcome, Giovanni Aloisio (CMCC, Italy)
Workshop Introduction and opening remarks, Sylvie Joussaume (IPSL/CNRS, France)
Session 1 - Issues in Climate Modeling
High-resolution climate modelling with the Community Earth System Model, John Dennis (NCA, USA)
Exascale issues in climate model coupling, Robert Jacob (ANL, USA)
Session 2 - State of the art of methodological approaches
Scientific and technical motivations for the ICON model development, Marco Giorgetta (MPI-M, Germany)
A cloud resolving high resolution version of ICON - the HD(CP)2 project, Joachim Biercamp (DKRZ, Germany)
NICAM - Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model, Masaki Satoh (Tokyo University, Japan)
Session 3 - State of the art of Dycore Projects
An overview of the ICOMEX project, Thomas Dubos (IPSL/CNRS France)
An overview of the GUNG-HO project, Nigel Wood (Met Office, UK)
An overview of the DYNAMICO project, Thomas Dubos (IPSL/CNRS France)
Session 4 - State of the art of the engineering approaches
GPU efforts on NIM, Mark Govett (NOAA/ESRL, USA)
Abstracting the hardware: engineering climate models for the hardware revolution, David Ham (Imperial College, UK)
GPU implementations of the ICON Non-hydrostatic Solver, William Sawyer (CSCS, CH)
Talk on FVCUBED and FMS, V. Balaji (NOAA/GFDL & Princeton University, USA)
Session 5 - Breakout groups
Breakout on methodological challenges
Breakout on computational challenges
2012 NCAR Dynamical Core Workshop in 2012
IS-ENES workshop on HPC for Climate Models, 30 Jan - 1 Feb 2013
Place: Toulouse, France
One of the most pressing challenges our climate community has to face is to prepare its numerical models for the many-core new supercomputers which will deliver multi-petaflop and exaflop performance during the second half of the present decade.
As a follow up of the first IS-ENES Workshop on “Dynamical Cores”, held in Lecce (Italy) in December 2011 (LINK), the 2nd workshop aims to exchange information on the status of:
- European and International Earth System Models, reviewing their computational performance
- The latest EU Exascale projects
- Results from collaboration with the EU HPC facility PRACE and from large numerical climate experiments on PRACE
- Issues related to ESM environments for HPC computing infrastructure,
- Developments of new dynamical cores for climate and closely related high-performance computing issues, with emphasis on European projects and international state of the art.
The workshop is devoted to organize sharing of experience on these topics, listing the critical issues, to possibly reaching a general agreement of future strategies, and to leveraging international collaborations aiming at solving some common issues.
Venue: Fondation Bemberg, Toulouse, France
Welcome and introduction, Sylvie Joussaume (IPSL, FR)
Session 1 - Status of EU Exascale projects
EESI (1 & 2) European Exascale Software Initiatives, Philippe Ricoux (Total, FR)
CRESTA, Collaborative Research into Exascale Systemware Tools & Applications, George Mozdzynski (ECMWF)
DEEP, Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform, Estela Suarez (JSC, DE)
Mont-Blanc, European scalable and power efficient HPC platform based on low-power embedded technology, Paul Carpenter (BSC, SP)
Session 2 - European Earth System Models with a focus on computing performance
EC-Earth, Uwe Fladrich (SMHI, SE)
CNRM-CM5, Stéphane Sénési (MeteoFrance, FR)
MPI-ESM, Reinhard Budich (MPI-M, DE)
UM-based ESM, Jean-Christophe Rioual (Hadley Centre, UK)
IPSL-CM5, Marie-Alice Foujols (IPSL, FR)
C-ESM, Tomas Lovato (CMCC, IT)
NorESM, Mats Bentsen (Uni Research, NO)
Session 3 - International Earth System Models and dynamical cores
CESM, John Dennis (NCAR, US)
MPAS, Model for Prediction Across Scales, Bill Skamarock (NCAR, US)
GFDL, V. Balaji (GFDL, US)
DYNAMICO, Thomas Dubos (IPSL, FR)
ICON, Günther Zängl (DWD, DE)
Status of Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project, Christiane Jablonowski (U. Michigan, US)
Session 4 - Report from Large Numerical Climate Experiments on PRACE platforms
Pulsation: Peta scale mULti-gridS ocean-ATmosphere coupled simulations, Sébastien Masson (LOCEAN/IPSL, FR)
UPSCALE: Joint Weather and Climate High - Global Modelling: Future Weathers and their Risks, Pier Luigi Vidale (NCAS, UK)
Session 5 - Development for Exascale and GPUs for climate models
ICOMEX ICOsahedral-grid Models for EXascale Earth system simulations), Günther Zängl (DWD, DE)
From ENDGame to GungHo, Nigel Wood (MetOffice, UK)
Using GPUs for climate models, report on US initiatives, Mark Govett (NOAA, USA)
Session 6 - Environment for HPC
Exarch Climate analytics on distributed EXascale Archives, Martin Juckes (BADC, UK)
JASMIN and data issues, status and perspectives, Bryan Lawrence (NCAS, UK)
PARVIS, Parallel visualisation, Rob Jacob (Argonne, US)
I/O’s, status and perspective, Luis Kornblueh (MPI-M, DE)
A review of the main coupling technologies used in the climate modelling community, Sophie Valcke (CERFACS, FR)
Session 7 – Long-term strategic issues
Exascale Technologies & Innovation in HPC for Climate Models - 3rd HPC Workshop
Place: Hamburg, Germany
After two successful events in Lecce in December 2011 and Toulouse in January 2013 this will be the 3rd workshop dealing with challenges the community of climate modellers faces, through the development of high performance computing organized by ENES, the European Network for Earth System Modelling.
Venue: Cap San Diego, Überseebrücke, Hamburg
Welcome Session
Introduction to (IS)ENES & Review of workshops 1 & 2, Sylvie Joussaume (IPSL/CNRS, France)
Session 1 - Future trends in climate science & related HPC challenges
Scientific challenges in climate modeling, Jochem Marotzke
Scalable Software Developement for Climate Models, Thomas Schulthes
Overview from US, Venkatramani Balaji
Refactoring CESM for exascale, Rich Loft
The Upscale project, Pier-Luigi Vidale
Session 2 - Status of EU Exascale projects
CRESTA: Collaborative Research Into Exascale Systemware, Tools & Applications, Erwin Laure
DEEP: Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform, Hendrik Merx
MONT-BLANC: European scalable and power efficient HPC platform based on low-power embedded technology, Paul Carpenter
EXA2CT: EXascale Algorithms & Advanced Computational Techniques, Marie-Christine Sawley
Session 3 - Status of EU G8 projects
G8 ESC: Enabling Climate Simulations at Extreme Scale, Rich Loft
ICOMEX: ICOsahedral-grid Models for EXascale Earth system simulations, Julian Kunkel
EXARCH: climate analytics on distributed EXascale data ARCHives, Martin Juckes
Session 4 - HPC Software challenges & solutions for the climate community
The use of GPU in Climate models, Will Sawyer
Porting the COSMO model to GPUs, Xavier Lapillonne
Experiences with XEON PHI in the Max-Planck-Society, Markus Ramp
Results on XEON PHI at GFDL, Christopher Kerr
Experiences with MIC at the MetOffice, Christopher Maynard
Why Compilers and workflow matter, Luis Kornblueh
Numerical Libraries and Framework (PETSc), Jed Brown
Performance tools (Paraver/Dimemas), Jesus Labarta
The ECMWF Scalability Project, Peter Bauer
Session 5 - New Parallel Approaches at Exascale
Hybrid Programming, William Gropp
Communication-Avoiding Algorithms, Laura Grigori
Talk on space-time parallelization, Yvon Maday
Session 6 - Working session on performance intercomparisons of climate models
Performance measurements of HPC-applications at LRZ, Gilbert Brietzke
A metric for computational performance based on SYPD, Venkatramani Balaji
Session 7 - HPC Hardware challenges & solutions for the climate community
Weather and Climate roadmap to extreme scale: the Intel perspective, Marie-Christine Sawley
Designing a Highly Redundant Maintenance and Distribution System for Critical Research Data, Dave Fellinger
A use case (based on NEMO), Franck Vigilant
Load unbalance : a major bottleneck for climate applications on exascale systems, Christoph Pospiech
Architectures for Extreme Scale Earth System Modeling, Per Nyberg
SX-ACE technology and future visions, Rudi Fischer
NVIDIAS perspective on EXASCALE, Stan Posey
Session 8 - Porting Climate Codes on top-of-the edge machines
From Gung Ho to LFRic - replacing the Met Office Unified Model, Steve Mullerworth
ICON for HD(CP)2 (High definition clouds and precipitation for climate prediction), Panagiotis Adamidis
The SPRUCE Project, Eric Maisonnave
The HiResClim and SPECS Projects, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes
DYNAMICO, Yann Meurdesoif
Session 9 - Center of Excellence on Climate
Status of Commission initiatives, Sylvie Joussaume
ENES Workshop on High Performance Computing for Climate and Weather, April 2016, Toulouse, France
Main topics:
- The European HPC ecosystem;
- Innovative developments (new dynamical cores, I/Os…) and today high-resolution models;
- New paradigms (languages, standards, next-generation models …).
5th ENES HPC Workshop, May 2017, Lecce, Italy
Main Topics:
- European & international exascale ecosystems (information on the state of the art both at hardware and software level)
- Very high-resolution modelling and HPC challenges
- Tools and components
- Panel discussion on data centres support for weather and climate models and workflows
- Update on the European strategies on HPC
Virtual 6th HPC workshop, 25-26 & 28-29 May 2020, virtual
Main topics:
- Very high-resolution modeling
- Performance portability
- Machine learning for parameterization schemes
- Challenges in exascale data processing and visualization
7th ENES HPC Workshop, 9-11 May 2022, hybrid event
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Venue: Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain
IS-ENES3 organised this workshop of the European Network for Earth System modelling (ENES) in collaboration with ESiWACE2. It gathered experts on HPC in earth system modelling at an hybrid event. Building on the previous ENES HPC workshops (Lecce, 2011 & 2018; Toulouse, 2013 & 2016; Hamburg, 2014 & 2020), the talks were structured around the 5 following topics:
- European and International HPC Landscape
- Mix traditional modeling with Machine Learning
- Performance
- Heterogeneous architectures (accelerators)
- Data Worflows
The abstracts can be dowloaded here.
The recordings of the workshop are available on the IS-ENES3 YouTube channel under the dedicated playlist.
Session 1 - European and International Landscape Strengthening the European HPC communities by addressing the skills and competence level, Bastian Koller (HLRS, CASTIEL, EuroCC)
Lumi - the first EuroHPC pre-exa system, Jenni Kontkanen (CSC)
ARMing the IFS: Experiments and experiences from porting the ECMWF model to Fugaku, Samuel Hatfield (ECMWF)
Numerical Climate and Weather Modeling on the China Earth System Simulator, Yongqiang Yu (LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics)
DestinE: opportunities & challenges for digital twins of the Earth System, Nils Wedi (ECMWF)
HPC Challenges for CMIP: lessons from CMIP6 and potential next steps, Jean François Lamarque (NCAR)
Session 2 - Mix traditional modeling with ML
Machine learning for weather and climate predictions, Peter Düben (ECMWF)
High-Tune Explorer: a tool to accelerate model calibration based on process-oriented metrics, Fleur Couvreux (Météo-France)
Skilful precipitation nowcasting using deep generative models of radar, Suman Ravuri (Google Deep Mind)
Fourier Neural Operators for Fast Weather Modeling, Anima Anandkumar (CalTech & NVIDIA)
Building digital twins of the Earth for NVIDIA’s Earth-2 initiative, Karthik Kashinath (NVIDIA)
Session 3 - Performance
CPMIP performance metrics for CMIP6: Lessons, recommendations and next steps, Mario Acosta (BSC)
Performance optimization in NEMO ocean model, Italo Epicoco (CMCC)
The new load balancing tool in OASIS3-MCT_5.0, Eric Maisonnave (CERFACS)
The Potential of Functional Concurrency in W&C models, Reinhard Budich (MPI)
PoP Studies of Earth Sciences Codes, Jesus Labarta (BSC)
Recent Atlas library developments for Earth system modelling, Willem Deconinck (ECMWF)
On the energy costs of data production, data transfer and data storing, Jean-Claude André (CERFACS)
Session 4 - Heterogeneous architectures (accelerators)
Preparing ICON for heterogeneous architectures - Experiences and the way forward, Claudia Frauen (DKRZ
PSyclone in Met Office: Evolution and revolution, Iva Kavcic (UK Met)
Accelerating tracer transport in FESOM-2 with GPU’s, Gijs van den Oord (NLeSC)
CAMP First GPU Solver: A Solution to Accelerate Chemistry in Atmospheric Models, Christian Guzman (BSC)
Preparing IFS for HPC accelerators via source-to-source translation, Michael Lange (ECMWF)
Enabling large scale modeling on GPU accelerated nodes for NCAR’s next supercomputer Derecho, Thomas Hauser (NCAR)
E3SM’s C++ based GPU strategy and latest performance, Mark Taylor (PNL)
Session 5 - Workflow
Nobody needed all those bits anyway: compressing atmospheric data into its real information content, Milan Klöwer (Oxford)
Fostering lossy compression in the European Earth System Modelling community: SZ compressor and XIOS I/O server as a case study, Xavier Yepes (BSC)
Data-Centric workflows in Exascale Weather Forecasting, Tiago Quintino (ECMWF)
ExCALIData: Exascale I/O & Storage and Workflow, Bryan Lawrence (NCAS)
Semantic access to gridded weather data based on zarr, Gabriela Aznar (MSwiss)
Towards HPC and Big Data convergence for climate analysis at scale, Donatello Elia (CMCC)